2024 Parade Info
Dear Friends,
The Henry County Tomato Festival Committee would like to extend an invitation to you, your organization, or group to appear in our 64nd annual Tomato Festival Parade in Napoleon, Ohio.
This year the parade will be held on Sunday, August 11, 2024 starting at 6:00 p.m.
The theme is: “Henry County, the Heart of it All”
You can enter online HERE or complete and turn in an entry form as soon as possible, but no later than JULY 31 to avoid late fees. You will be sent more detailed information concerning your line-up number, and the route to take to your staging area, the weekend prior to the parade.
We sincerely hope you will participate in this year’s parade. All participants are invited to stay and enjoy the 171st annual Henry County Fair. Fair runs Aug 8 – Aug 15.
Our FLOAT JUDGING CONTEST is open to all youth groups, organizations, commercial businesses, and churches. Now is the time to start planning to WIN our $500 top prize!!!
- Pick appropriate category: (YOUTH) (ORGANIZATIONAL) (COMMERCIAL) (RELIGIOUS)
- Must design/decorate entry around current “Theme”
- Enter to be “JUDGED”
- Be one of the top 3 “Ribbon Winners” in each category above are judged based on these 4 aspects:
- Use of Theme
- Originality
- Difficulty of Work
- Overall Appearance
First Prize ……….. $150.00
Second Prize …….. 100.00
Third Prize ………. 75.00
Grand Prize (1) BEST OVERALL FLOAT …..$350.00 (Extra)
Not in top three…… 25.00
Neil Giffey, Parade Director
Enter online at the bottom of this page E-mail: tomatofestivalparade@yahoo.com Phone: 419-966-0013
*Any vehicle in any entry category displaying a “commercial” or “political” sign or logo will be subject to the $35 commercial or political unit entry fee.
If you keep the commercial or political name covered it will not be subject to the entry fee and a “thank-you” to the vehicle provider can be included in the entry announcement.
*Float entries that do not decorate the entry in keeping with the current parade “theme” will be eliminated from the float judging contest and will not be awarded any prize monies or ribbons.
*Any entries that do not have the applicable entry fees paid by the parade start time will be excluded from the parade and float entries will forfeit all prize monies and ribbons.
*Entry fee can be paid by PayPal online at the bottom of the parade webpage, or by mail, or drop off your check, money order, or cash entry payment to:
Henry County Fair – Parade Director
821 S Perry St.
Napoleon, OH 43545
*Parade unit line-up can start at 1pm – Staging instructions to be sent out the weekend before.
*Floats must be ready for judging by 4:30pm – Staging instructions to be sent out the weekend before.
*”Commercial/businesses” are limited to 1 full size company vehicle with or without a trailer and 1 miniature/novelty vehicle.
*”Emergency services” entries are limited to 1 full size modern unit, 1 vintage unit and 1 miniature/novelty unit.
*Sports/Athletic groups are required to walk the 1mile parade route.
*NO SEMI / TRACTOR TRAILER type rigs are permitted.
The Tomato Festival Committee reserves the right to refuse or to reject any entry for any reason.
Parade Rules 2024 – Printable PDF
Entry Form 2024 – Printable PDF to turn in to Fair Office
Enter Online – Using Google Forms
Commercial & Political Parade Entries AND LATE ENTRY FEES- Pay Here using Paypal
Parade Route Map
Parade Staging Area